AA : automate all


automate all automateallwithbk@gmail.com

15:27 (0 minutes ago)
to tsgbalakarthikyt
[19/11, 13:59] Shannuga: Source of idea:-
[19/11, 13:59] Shannuga: AI integration system to solve all problems
[19/11, 13:59] Shannuga: Through , connecting different small scale AI to make Large Scale AIs to solve large scale problems 

Large scale problems = all problems 

When we can solve large scale problems we can solve all small problems 

Large + small = all 

With the analogy of team working with small talented individuals in a large quantity 

Quality + quantity = perfect 

We lack quality in AI 

So we are rising our quantity to increase quality 

It just requires good integration system 

Integration system equals to combining small talented individuals 

The innovative idea is increasing quantity 

Increasing quantity is a problem , may be the problem can be solved while working on it
[19/11, 13:59] Shannuga: Beyond8 search engine idea
[19/11, 13:59] Shannuga: Current impossiblity , 

is it can achieve targeted goal 

Is it possible to implement
[19/11, 13:59] Shannuga: Automating First principles is the source of automating everything idea through single logiv
[19/11, 14:00] Shannuga: Then it evolved to artificial intelligence
[19/11, 14:00] Shannuga: Then it evolved into narrow AI and RPA like system
[19/11, 14:00] Shannuga: 1. Traveling everywhere ,2. Immortality 
3. Answers to all Doubt 
4. Instant unlimited resources
[19/11, 14:00] Shannuga: Open AI
[19/11, 14:00] Shannuga: This happened from a question of what will you get from god if God wants to offer 3 powers
[19/11, 14:00] Shannuga: Now in 21st century making python program for app dev is like playing a game
[19/11, 14:00] Shannuga: Pydroid3 available on playstore
[19/11, 14:00] Shannuga: How to automate everything 

1. Validate 
If results are positive then execute and get results 
2. Validate 
If results are negatuve then learn by need based education and find a new idea then again validate 

So the process of making this automation success is just possible by validating , validating and validating 

Because creation of new tech is only possible by humans 

Humans have meta cognition 

Meta cognition is somethig have 3 steps to execute 
1. Plan 
2. Validate 
3. Execute
[19/11, 14:00] Shannuga: I have plan 

Now i just need validation
[19/11, 14:00] Shannuga: Found a loop for acheiving success in automating everything
[19/11, 14:00] Shannuga: Summary of entire group messages 

1. I talked my idea with general principles and thoughts: source , explaining , plan
2. Explained chc theory
3.execution issues are addressed by open ai pydroid 3 and need based education frameworks
[19/11, 14:00] Shannuga: Next 1 month 
1. Theoritical framework preparing 
2. Prototype preparation 
3. Launching commercial product
4. Getting success
[19/11, 14:00] Shannuga: 2 month is enough to create something like this
[19/11, 14:00] Shannuga: Need education neglected 

Increased the validity of idea 

So execution plan has been deployed theoritically today
[19/11, 14:00] Shannuga: I got a idea to change my idea into two seperate entity 

While apple company worked creating os for iphone 
They seperated the work 
To 3 teams
Now i seperate the work into alpha , delta or inefficient delta

Alpha manager AI is easily developable by seeing the list of possiblity of delta narrow ai and validating them by goal acheieving percentage and connecting higher accuracy ones 

It just like a chess engine 

Study how chess engines developed 

Delta team is easily finishable 

Inefficient delta team can be fixed by cognition parameter scale and developing efficient narrows and then we launch it and then by identifyings simple inefficiency we fix it using my own or fpt method

Alpha + delta = one man rev dev pro
[19/11, 14:00] Shannuga: What is your innovation?
The outcome of the Innovation if turned to a Product/Service.
References to be attached why do you think this is required.
Research and attach if any concept/project/model similar to yours is already existing in the public domain and list out the differences of what’s new about your innovation?
[19/11, 14:00] Shannuga: Concrete plan 

Table of contents :- 

Methodology :-
Training narrows in narrow works
Replication efficiency improvements
Connecting with a manager AI 

Concrete plan:-
Training narrows in a IDE
Researching about efficiency improvement , prioritize the replication strategy, research the possibility of manager AI
[19/11, 14:00] Shannuga: What is your innovation ?? 

My innovation is automating all human works 

Purpose of robotics , automating works 

Purpose of my innovation 
Automating all works 

I don't know why many people didn't taken the step to automate all works 

Because automating all works comes with lots of scopes 

The out come of the innovation if turned to a product / service 

Scopes :- 
It can automate all human abilities
It can do big innovations project in small time
It can make almost anything possible ( 99%) approximately

We can invent infinite technologies , we can create immortality , we can do these all while we rest or sleep , this is the advantage of automating all human abilities 

And I have good methodology to implement it 

Methodology :- 

The above scope is seems to be possible in single logic 
That logic is 
Small things join together create big things

I want to automate all human abilities for some reasons ( those reasons are attached below ) 

So , automating all human abilities starts from automating small human abilities 

We already automated small human abilities through robotic technologies 
Example : self driving car , automated sanitizer giver through ir sensor etc .

So what we have to do for automating all human ablities

We just have to list all human abilities that required for all works 

CHC theory works as a periodic table for this ablities list

So then we just have to train a Narrow AI for the list of intellectual abilities mentioned in CHC theory of intelligence 

After training a AI maximum on a ability 

Then we have to increase its accuracy and efficiency through replication 

Why replication for efficiency improvement?? 
We can't always train a AI because it require many effort and time 

But we can replicate the trained AI easily 

But how you achieve extra efficiency through replication 

All Chc ablities are general ablities so when we train a AI for example in memorising ( let's forget storage concept just for this example) 

One AI can efficiently
[19/11, 14:01] Shannuga: "The Cattell‐Horn‐Carroll Theory of Cognitive Abilities - Flanagan - Major Reference Works - Wiley Online Library" https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/9781118660584.ese0431
[19/11, 14:01] Shannuga: Target :- trying to make bigger results with bigger ablities which made with small ablities and continued for list of abilities
[19/11, 14:01] Shannuga: 2. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) uses multiple software and applications to automate business processes such as data collection and analysis, customer service and other repetitive tasks managed previously through manual processes.

Like AI and Machine Learning, RPA is a rapidly advancing technology that automates many jobs across different industries. McKinsey has analysed that fewer than 5% of jobs today can be entirely automated, but nearly 60% can be automated at least partially.

RPA offers several new career options and trajectories such as a programmer, project manager, business analyst or consultant. It also opens doors to high-paying jobs with a moderate learning curve in leading organisations. Choosing this technology as a career move can profit you immensely.

In simple terms , this is what my idea is 
2. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) uses multiple software and applications to automate business processes

My idea automate all human processes through a single logic 

All human processes starts from small human processes 
Currently we have all things to automate small things 

So what we just have to do is automating all small human processes through artificial intelligence or automation technologies and connecting them with a RPA manager AI to do big human processes then again connecting different big human processes to get big results is what my idea 

My idea addressing human limitation as issue , I don't like limitation for no reason , I developed in a neglecting environment which just gave me a limited potential just because of others neglect so I never ever like limitation

All human works are limited to time , energy and every human has limited potential 

My idea just transfer all human works to a robot to make humans time , energy and potential unlimited
[19/11, 14:01] Shannuga: P 1 : MSE 
[19/11, 14:01] Shannuga: Team : lazy 
GV :VZ ,SR , CS , CF ,MV, SS, PI, LE ,IL ,PN , IM  ,

GF : I , RG ,RQ

The team lazy will be separated into tech team and edu team 

Tech team can be easily treated through techs
Edu team require training
[19/11, 14:01] Shannuga: Team : confidence
P 1 : MSE 
[19/11, 14:01] Shannuga: "The Task Automation Guide.. The world today is evolving, there is… | by Jerry Buaba | Towards Data Science" https://towardsdatascience.com/the-task-automation-guide-8581ca304cda
[19/11, 14:01] Shannuga: Python is the one of the programming languages we can use for task automation
[19/11, 14:01] Shannuga: Open AI
[19/11, 14:01] Shannuga: https://beta.openai.com/playground
[19/11, 14:01] Shannuga: Pydroid3 available on playstore


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