objective : - archiving all type of wishes , issues & needs shortly known as WIN's vision : - the objective will be archived through a single logic and idea of vision , which is to , creating an ai which creates other ais for the text prompts , this idea of vision works with a logic which is nothing but , every ai , technology , field and humans and other species are for archiving WIN's ( all things and persons exist to archive WIN's ) methodology :- 1.completely replacing the programmers ( this helps to above vision archiving because this is a fundamental step of the vision and below step of below methodology ) 2.completely replacing the AI engineers and Data Scientists through above vision the second method is possible with automating below things through an ai Define the problem: The first step in develop...
Source of this idea:- I had a dream to invent many things for solving people problems For that I assumed that I have to study in premium schools, colleges Unfortunately I am not born in such richer environment Then, I tried many ways to get funds for getting premium education as a teenager, in the end, I lost my motivation then I tried to find other options to reach the goal without any other sacrifices, there I did many searches in google and other internet platforms, then I found elon musk is being like that, then I researched a lot to find how he doing these many things, there I found first principles thinking method, then I found factory of innovative policy solutions organization, there they provided free first principles thinking manual , using that I found that I did a very big mistake of assuming premium schools make me a good innovator or inventor, the above thing ,was just identified by me by just reading the front cover and back cover, then I become fr...
Tech means work So. creating a tool to make a work done in required accuracy, and in the given time and energy will be the best tech Why best tech?? I want to be a technological entrepreneur as I was technophile How that tool is I will develop Creating a ai that can create ai in the needed accuracy and given time and energy When a work is presented An ai will develop a efficient ai to do that
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