Lifology : A thing of everything

General definition of lifology:- 
What is Lifology? Lifology is the study of human beings in relationship to their career and occupational eco-system. ➢Lifology is the outcome of the search for a more valid, and precise knowledge about the relationship between human beings, career and occupational eco- system.

Personal lifology goal:- 
Genius, billionaire, leader, philanthrapist, innovator, scientist, entrepreneur, acheiver, influencer

Personal lifology definition:- 
wining WIN in life is the whole idealogy of life
WIN = wishes, issues, needs

(1 jcb idea
1 robotic idea
1 pg idea 
1 ai fsp idea
1 app fpt idea
All mental models 
All human mental models
All vvipo
All human works 
All human neurons
All humans 
All human brain 
All human planning ) 

Evolution of tech singularity idea:- 
I had a passion in innovating and inspiration in elon musk 
Elon musk once told in a interview about FPT ( First Principles Thinking) 
I had a difficulty to understand it as I was lazy and lacked IQ capacity
So i thought automating FPT through app Or software might work good
Then I tried to create app in kodular and mit app inventor but i couldn't do it 
Then the idea evolved to many different dimensions


To archive objective automate all, what we just have to do is we can just automate all types of planning 

To automate all types of planning 
We can create AI or ML or DL software 

And that is possible by following analogy 

Chess engine AI 

Life planning is mostly similar to chess planning 

Comparison of life and chess 

Life has a constantly changing goal 
Chess has check mate goal 

Chess engine analyse various Possiblities for a single move 

Same applies to life planning we have to analyse multiple Possiblities to get our goal 

Life is unpredictable, chess is also unpredictable because opponent can move anything 

So by giving a little bit external effort to create a advanced software compared chess engine AI 
Will give us all of the wishes 

Will improve humanity technology to greater amount

Detailed :- 
What 1: Automate planning : objective
Why : Planning essential to archive wish, issue, need
How 1: Efficiency improvement through connection of small efficiency ( requires data science learning/ expertise) it is a problem, requires lap and pros to fix it
How 2 : Collect data of wish and need and issue from data surveillance with privacy protection ( helps everybody)

[09/12, 1:29 am] automateallwithbk: In simple words 

Context identification from inputs 

Especially from inputs like voice and video
[09/12, 1:35 am] automateallwithbk: Win solutionation through automated finding way strategy 

Planning equal to automating finding way similar to block chain identification through mining 

The above 1 is ML 

DL is about solution context identification from input 

Further efficiency improvements will be done through rep+ managing strategies

( don't get distracted because of odds and mistakes happens while working, you are just normal human you do mistakes always, archiving WIN in any efficiency is our target , do it, then you fix your mistakes ) 

First avail all necessary free resources from google pan tech and YouTube 

  Challenges Completed: ✅DAY – 1 Introduction to AI | How to create basic AI application (Chat bot using DialogFlow) ✅DAY – 2 How to install Python & Libraries | Basics of python Programming for AI. ✅DAY – 3 Introduction to Computer Vision| How to install computer vision libraries ✅DAY – 4 Moving Object Detection and tracking using OpenCV ✅DAY – 5 Face Detection and Tracking using OpenCV ✅DAY – 6 Object Tracking based on color using OpenCV ✅DAY – 7 Face Recognition using OpenCV ✅DAY – 8 Face Emotion recognition using 68-Landmark Predictor OpenCV ✅DAY – 9 Introduction to Deep learning | How to install DL libraries ✅DAY – 10 Designing your First Neural Network ✅DAY – 11 Object recognition from Pre-trained model ✅DAY – 12 Image classification using Convolutional Neural Network ✅DAY – 13 Hand gesture recognition using Deep Learning ✅DAY – 14 Leaf disease detection using Deep Learning ✅DAY – 15 Character recognition using Convolutional Neural Network ✅DAY – 16 Label reading using Optical Character recognition ✅DAY – 17 Smart Attendance system using Deep Learning ✅DAY – 18 Vehicle detection using Deep Learning ✅DAY – 19 License plate recognition using Deep Learning ✅DAY – 20 Drowsiness detection using Deep Learning ✅DAY – 21 Road sign recognition using Deep Learning ✅DAY – 22 Introduction to Machine learning| How to install ML libraries ✅DAY – 23 Evaluating and Deploying the various ML model ✅DAY – 24 Fake news detection using ML ✅DAY – 25 AI snake game design using ML ✅DAY – 26 Introduction to NLP & it’s Terminology | How to install NLP Libraries NLTK ✅DAY – 27 Title Formation from the paragraph design using NLP ✅DAY – 28 Speech emotion analysis using NLP ✅DAY – 29 Cloud-based AI, Object recognition using Amazon Web Service (AWS) & Imagga ✅DAY – 30 Deploying AI application in Raspberry Pi with Neural Compute stick & Nvidia Jetson Nano( this data is useful to WIn problem identification)
Old data aren't missing I am working under obsessed compulsory disorder

ML , learning types 
DL, neural network types 
Other algorithms and concepts from AI/ ML/DL
( theoritical framework is our target) idea 1pexecution

( idea originality has a blockage memory between AI and CHC ) (CHC was the most sustained idealogy) 
(Idea originality had a blockage between AI and FPt that was fixed yesterday) 

Pan tech has many data


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