
Showing posts from January, 2023

plan to create full theory

Diya, pantech, chc  Laptop Theory publishing

idea for technological singularity with available technologies and theories

Source of this idea:-  I had a dream to invent many things for solving people problems For that I assumed that I have to study in premium schools, colleges  Unfortunately I am not born in such richer environment Then, I tried many ways to get funds for getting premium education as a teenager, in the end, I lost my motivation then I tried to find other options to reach the goal without any other sacrifices, there I did many searches in google and other internet platforms, then I found elon musk is being like that, then I researched a lot to find how he doing these many things, there  I found first principles thinking method, then I found factory of innovative policy solutions organization, there they provided free first principles thinking manual  , using that I found that I did a very big mistake of assuming premium schools make me a good innovator or inventor, the above thing ,was just identified by me by just reading the front cover and back cover, then I become fr...

alternative idea to tech singularity

Tech means work  So. creating a tool to make a work done in required accuracy, and in the given time and energy will be the best tech  Why best tech??  I want to be a technological entrepreneur as I was technophile How that tool is I will develop Creating a ai that can create ai in the needed accuracy and given time and energy  When a work is presented  An ai will develop a efficient ai to do that 

the complete pre- theory of free work

Source, objects, method, scope, abstract

biological tech singularity

Biocreated  Allworks are possible by neural system Neural system created by neurons So creating a unlimited neuron producing crispr genome modified species to do our work Biobootloader Making species to process multiple things at once similar to quantum Techcreated Creating a computer software to automate a single neuron, with a capabilities to produce multiple neurons for work Small things create big things Big problem solvable by small solutions

AA : automate all

  automate all   < > 15:27 (0 minutes ago) to  tsgbalakarthikyt [19/11, 13:59] Shannuga: Source of idea:- [19/11, 13:59] Shannuga: AI integration system to solve all problems [19/11, 13:59] Shannuga: Through , connecting different small scale AI to make Large Scale AIs to solve large scale problems  Large scale problems = all problems  When we can solve large scale problems we can solve all small problems  Large + small = all  With the analogy of team working with small talented individuals in a large quantity  Quality + quantity = perfect  We lack quality in AI  So we are rising our quantity to increase quality  It just requires good integration system  Integration system equals to combining small talented individuals  The innovative idea is increasing quantity  Increasing quantity is a problem , may be the problem can be solved while working on it [19/11, 13:59] Shannuga: Beyond8 se...

full biological automation

Objective: becoming limitless Logic : small things create big things Method : biology Methodology : as a human I wish to be limitless, energy, time, skills is what is what limits me  To make it unlimited a normal human team up with other talented people to manage it  But a inventor try for maximum talent, so it is impossible to team up with all people in the world, but i got a idea to do that by creating a powerful bio robots which have capacity of millions of people but not a harmful one 

alternative ideas

Automating the job of automating all through a single AI  An innovation model that just automates innovative work in a chess like environment or something else Chc definition problem fixing through artificial neuron network  Multi - AI network Collective cognitive training Pre-existing AI integration  Planning and problem solving AI development Multi-BI network AI that can create multiple AIs in the required efficiency and can mange to create AIs that can do it job by the given energy and time

Lifology : A thing of everything

General definition of lifology:-  What is Lifology? Lifology is the study of human beings in relationship to their career and occupational eco-system. ➢Lifology is the outcome of the search for a more valid, and precise knowledge about the relationship between human beings, career and occupational eco- system. Personal lifology goal:-  Genius, billionaire, leader, philanthrapist, innovator, scientist, entrepreneur, acheiver, influencer Personal lifology definition:-  wining WIN in life is the whole idealogy of life WIN = wishes, issues, needs (1 jcb idea 1 robotic idea 1 pg idea  1 ai fsp idea 1 app fpt idea All mental models  All human mental models All vvipo All human works  All human neurons All humans  All human brain  All human planning )  Evolution of tech singularity idea:-  I had a passion in innovating and inspiration in elon musk  Elon musk once told in a interview about FPT ( First Principles Thinking)  I had a diffi...